Payouts Webhook

A request is to be sent from Munify to the customers’ webhook_url endpoint, which the customer sets in the dashboard. The webhook will be sent upon any update on the payout status. The customer is expected to implement the endpoint.

  • The webhook will be sent and expects a 200 response status code to be considered as received, otherwise, it will retry sending 2 times with a retry backoff of 1 second.
  • If 3 sending trails yelled unsuccessful delivery, no more trails will be carried out, and it will be the customer’s responsibility to fetch the new status using the 2. List Payouts endpoint.
  • The webhook is sent with a webhook_secret header, to verify the sender.




This is to be configured by the customer in the dashboard Webhook settings section.


WEBHOOK_SECRETCustomer’s webhook secret available in the webhook settings section in the dashboard.

Request Fields

webhook_event_idUUIDWebhook’s event Identifier.
webhook_event_timestampDatetime (Iso Format)Webhook’s event Timestamp.
payout_idUUIDMunify’s Payout Identifier.
payout_customer_referenceStringCustomer’s Payout Reference (Sent on initiating the payout).
payout_amountDecimalPayout Actual Amount.
payout_currencyEnum (Currency)Payout Currency Code.
payout_receiver_identifierStringPayout Receiver Identifier. (Wallet Phone Number, Bank Account Number, Card Number)
payout_receiver_nameStringPayout Receiver Name.
payout_typeEnum (Payout Types)Payout Type Enum Value.
payout_bank_codeEnum (Bank Codes)Payout Receiver Bank Code.
payout_statusEnum (Payout Status)Payout Status Enum Value.
payout_failure_reasonStringThe reason behind failure if any.

Request Example

  "webhook_event_id": "1ec567f1-4696-49af-9c0a-8e3b87d8380c",
  "webhook_event_timestamp": "2024-08-07T16:25:32.495071Z",
  "payout_id": "37c23ed0-5001-11ef-9454-0242ac120002",
  "payout_customer_reference": "123456",
  "payout_amount": 1576.85,
  "payout_currency": "EGP",
  "payout_receiver_identifier": "12345678901234",
  "payout_receiver_name": "Ali Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed",
  "payout_type": "BANK_ACCOUNT",
  "payout_bank_code": "CIB",
  "payout_status": "SETTLED",
  "payout_failure_reason": null